
Photo by @codycobb

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British Cops Want to Use AI to Spot Porn—But It Keeps Mistaking Desert Pics for Nudes

“Sometimes it comes up with a desert and it thinks its an indecent image or pornography,” Mark Stokes, the department’s head of digital and electronics forensics, recently told The Telegraph. “For some reason, lots of people have screen-savers of deserts and it picks it up thinking it is skin colour.”

Presents "Body landscape" By : @silvazquezphotography Congratulations and thanks for tagging #minimalism42. Check out this artists gallery for more awesome minimal shots! ________ @minimalism42 is a part of the @surreal42 (#surreal42) family. Follow @minimalism42 and tag your minimal creations to #minimalism42 for a chance to be featured. _________ Feature selected by @whispersaroundatree _________ #minimal #minimalism #surreal_minimalism #lightedlight #creative_minimalism #body #minimalchile #minimalha #lessismore #minimalzine #subjectivelyobjective #thisveryinstant #collecmag #somewheremagazine #abstractexpressionism #postthepeople #rentalmag #myfeatureshoot #lensculture #burnmagazine #oftheafternoon #verybusymag #ourmag #thisaintartschool #highsnobiety #seekthesimplicity #odtakeovers #archivecollectivemag

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“El algoritmo de la policía londinense no distingue un desierto de un desnudo.” (…) “Cuando el programa debía señalar o “flaggear” a personas desnudas fallaba y por mucho, demostrando poseer una mirada especialmente pecaminosa.” (…) “Confundía imágenes del desierto y sinuosas dunas de arena con piel humana, con cuerpos desnudos.”

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