Der grüne Zaun

“The old Kent Road was very crowded on Thursday, the eleventh of October 1928. People spilt off the pavement. There were women with shopping bags. Children ran out. There were sales at drapers’ shops. Streets widened and narrowed. Long vistas steadily shrunk together. Here was a market. Here a funeral. Here a procession with banners upon which was written “Ra – Un”, but what else? Meat was very red. Butchers stood at the door. Women almost had their heels sliced off. Amor Vin- that was over a porch. A woman looked out of a bedroom window, profoundly contemplative, and very still. Applejohn and Applebed, Undert-. Nothing could be seen whole or read from start to finish. What was seen begun – like two friends starting to meet each other across the street – was never seen ended. After twenty minutes the body and mind were like scraps of torn paper tumbling from a sack and, indeed, the process of motoring fast out of London so much resembles the chopping up small of identity which precedes unconsciousness and perhaps death itself that it is an open question in what sense Orlando can be said to have existed at the present moment. Indeed we should have given her over for a person entirely disassembled were it not that here, at last, one green screen was held out on the right, against which the little bits of paper fell more slowly; and then another was held out on the left so that one could see the separate scraps now turning over by themselves in the air; and then green screens were held continuously on either side, so that her mind regained the illusion of holding things within itself and she saw a cottage, a farmyard and four cows, all precisely life-size.”

Orlando, Virginia Woolf. Pg. 151-152, Wordsworth Classics.


Photo by @codycobb

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British Cops Want to Use AI to Spot Porn—But It Keeps Mistaking Desert Pics for Nudes

“Sometimes it comes up with a desert and it thinks its an indecent image or pornography,” Mark Stokes, the department’s head of digital and electronics forensics, recently told The Telegraph. “For some reason, lots of people have screen-savers of deserts and it picks it up thinking it is skin colour.”

Presents "Body landscape" By : @silvazquezphotography Congratulations and thanks for tagging #minimalism42. Check out this artists gallery for more awesome minimal shots! ________ @minimalism42 is a part of the @surreal42 (#surreal42) family. Follow @minimalism42 and tag your minimal creations to #minimalism42 for a chance to be featured. _________ Feature selected by @whispersaroundatree _________ #minimal #minimalism #surreal_minimalism #lightedlight #creative_minimalism #body #minimalchile #minimalha #lessismore #minimalzine #subjectivelyobjective #thisveryinstant #collecmag #somewheremagazine #abstractexpressionism #postthepeople #rentalmag #myfeatureshoot #lensculture #burnmagazine #oftheafternoon #verybusymag #ourmag #thisaintartschool #highsnobiety #seekthesimplicity #odtakeovers #archivecollectivemag

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“El algoritmo de la policía londinense no distingue un desierto de un desnudo.” (…) “Cuando el programa debía señalar o “flaggear” a personas desnudas fallaba y por mucho, demostrando poseer una mirada especialmente pecaminosa.” (…) “Confundía imágenes del desierto y sinuosas dunas de arena con piel humana, con cuerpos desnudos.”

-Send dunes.


The artist struggling whith ellipses in a still life may end up with a painting dotted with doughnut-like formations that are supposed to represent the rims of cylindrical vessels.

Some ellipses appear lop-sided, others look like UFOs. In several cases, the ellipses appear to inhabit a different space to that of the vessel concerned.

How can the artist overcome the problem of painting ellipses on objects?

The still life artist may find painting ellipses difficult to avoid, as many household objects contain ellipses. The list is endless: vases, teacups, teapots, mugs, urns, saucers, eggcups, tankards, dishes, pots, pipes, cake tins, wine glasses and bottles.

This can be a headache for the artist wishing to steer clear of such elements. But the hurdle of drawing ellipses is a common one which can be overcome. Before making improvements, the following practices need to be addressed, including the most common issue, giving the ellipse corners.

Drawing the ellipse asymmetrically. The ellipse might slant to one side resulting in a tear-shaped ellipse.

Another common mistake is illustrating the rim of the vessel as a single line without suggesting any depth to the rim depicted.

Rendering dark lines around the ellipse, even though lines cannot always be discerned on areas on the actual rim.

Failing to accord the base of the cylindrical object with the rim at the top, resulting in a vessel that appears to inhabit two areas of space at the same time. A common example is drawing the base of the cylinder as a straight line, and the ellipse at the top as an ovoid.

gangkhar puensum

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Blaise Pascal, Pensées, 1670.

“He descubierto que toda la desdicha de los hombres proviene de una sola cosa, que es no saber permanecer en reposo, dentro de una habitación” (fragmento 139 de la edición Brunschvicg).

(Véase James Vincent, “We’d rather give ourselves electric shocks than be alone with our thoughts, says new study”, The Independent, 4 de julio de 2014).

¿Y si no subiéramos a las montañas más altas?


“La felicidad no se compra, se construye” // “Happiness can’t be bought, It is built”


Nightcrawler (2014)


No cesaremos en la exploración
Y el fin de todas nuestras búsquedas
Será llegar adonde comenzamos,
Conocer el lugar por vez primera.
A través de la puerta desconocida y olvidada
Cuando lo último por descubrir en la tierra
Sea lo que fue nuestro comienzo;
En la fuente del río más largo
La voz de la oculta cascada
Y los niños en el manzano
La voz no conocida porque no fue buscada,
Pero escuchada, o semiescuchada, en la quietud
entre dos olas del mar.
De prisa, aquí, ahora, siempre—
Una condición de sencillez absoluta
(Cuesta nada menos que todo).
Y todo irá bien
Y toda clase de cosas saldrá bien
Cuando las lenguas de la llama se enlacen
En el nudo de fuego coronado
Y la lumbre y la rosa sean una.

Thomas Stearns Eliot, Cuatro cuartetos, Little Gidding.


We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.
T. S. Eliot’s Little Gidding (1942).