
Periferia de París, octubre 2016.
Periferias de París, octubre 2016.
Paris Periphery, October, 2016.

wrestling with the ideas

Another way of describing “to chat” is to say you’re “shooting the breeze.” That’s a way of saying that chatting is pleasant, it’s polite, it’s airy, it’s light, but it’s empty. It doesn’t matter. Nothing depends on it. It’s a way to pass the time.

It’s normal. It’s fake.

it’s a form of verbal badminton. (Shuttlecock)

…vs to discuss


Even when you begin, you must react.


Our national temperament is intolerant of listening.


Through the actor’s actions, a series of separate but logically connected physical or psychological activities that breathe life into the play and create the moment-by-moment truth.

“To reminisce,” is to soliloquize

reminiscing is itself a means of escape from the sometimes unbearable realities of the present.

When I reminisce, I become detached and my words take on a poetic quality. To reminisce is to reinvent the world. Remembering is simply experiencing it all over again, which is closer to description.

To reminisce is different from telling a story.

Reminiscing has in it longing, pain and loss.

The reminiscence has a sequence of ideas. Paraphrase the sequences so that the ideas are in you, not in the words. Fill in the sequence with your own words without the text in order to make the words of the author belong to you.

Stella Adler. The Art Of Acting.

They say I lie or feign/In all I write. Not true. It’s simply that I feel/ By way of imagination. The heart I never use.

Fernando Pessoa. Autopsicography.

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